2021 Back to School Bash Registration Info!
The Back to School Bash is held on Church Street in the section between 6th and 7th street that is closed for traffic. Different organizations provide activities for children, information for families, refreshments, free haircuts, school supplies, a back pack, and each school age child will receive a gift card to purchase an outfit for school.
Income eligibility guidelines are the 200% poverty guidelines. Registration is required and can be done by phone or online. Please see registration information on the brochure.
This year we have two options for registration, by phone as we have in the past, as well as online!

No registrations will be accepted after July 23rd at 2:00 pm, to allow time to order and prepare supplies!
We are excited to introduce some new improvements to the bash this year, and appreciate your patience with us during this process! Any questions please send us a message and we will be back with you ASAP!
The Bash will occur on SATURDAY AUGUST 21st, 2021!
You can find more information on their Facebook Page.